Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique QHHT® is an extraordinary journey of the consciousness that can unlock the profound transformation and healing that exists within each of us. Through this technique, we can connect with the infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of ourselves that exists just below the surface of our conscious mind: the Subconscious.
The Subconscious is what gives us access to our past lives and performs instantaneous healings when appropriate. This part of ourselves is always present, and it holds the answers to any question we may have about ourselves or the life we are living.
Dolores Cannon, the visionary pioneer of QHHT®, spent over 45 years developing and perfecting this groundbreaking technique. Her work has shown that any individual can gain access to experiences of past lives they have lived and that the Subconscious can help us identify and heal any physical or emotional issues we may be experiencing.
Through QHHT®, clients have found relief from pain, discomfort, depression, and addictions. They have gained clarity on their life purpose, family, work, and health issues. Clients have also deepened their understanding of our universe, God, or Source, and their connection to it.
Dolores' technique involves inducing an individual to the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualisation. In this state, we can access the vast reservoirs of knowledge and healing that exist within ourselves. The Subconscious can identify any physical problem it detects within the body and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or a past life. If suitable, the Subconscious can heal the issue instantaneously with no medication, surgery, or pain involved.
Over the course of her career, Dolores conducted sessions with clients where the physical healing that occurred was challenging even for her to comprehend. Her technique has proven effective on thousands of people worldwide regardless of their age, gender, personality, physical symptoms, religious beliefs, or cultural backgrounds.
There are no limits to what is possible through QHHT®. Cancer, AIDS, heart conditions, liver and kidney damage, and many other conditions have been cured or significantly improved through this technique. But healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of their lifetime.
If you are ready to embark on a journey of healing, transformation, and self-discovery, book a session with Paul Williams, a renowned Transformation Teacher, Hypnotherapist, and Energy Healer. Paul is a Level Two QHHT® Practitioner, and his book TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE WITH MEDITATION has helped countless individuals tap into the transformative power of meditation. Paul's online courses provide a transformative and empowering experience, helping individuals deepen their meditation practice, unlock their intuition, and gain clarity on their life's purpose.
The Subconscious holds the key to unlocking our full potential and the answers to our deepest questions. With QHHT® and the guidance of a skilled practitioner like Paul Williams, you can access this wisdom and unlock the profound transformation and healing that awaits you.
"The most profound form of healing is the realisation that we are not just physical bodies, but multidimensional beings with the power to create our own reality." - Dolores Cannon